Friday, May 29, 2009

Living on my own now without my Family!!! :(

well I'm living on my own and i cant say that its easy its hard and u know what u get lonely and miss your family a lot i miss my family everyday i miss my moms cooking and my dad yellin at me lol i miss my dorky brother Jordan and his retarded jokes and i miss Hayden being the TANK and my Lil Trev just being there when i needed him to give me a hug!! How well did i know my family? well i didn't know that Jordan is actually a genius and a heart breaker ya he is hmm who woulda thought lol he is also so funny he makes me laugh all the time!!! Hayden is still the chunk that i love and still the one who comes running whenever i need him lol he is DA "TANK" and i love being around him so much he just makes u want to be around him. Trev well Lil T-Rev is still the same my poor Lil felon of a brother ha ha he is an amazing kid who just doesn't know what to do with him self he is torn between both parents and loves them so much and i understand what he is going through!! MOM is still the same but man did she know a thing or two dang it she has done this and i should listen to her more often i love my mom with out her i wouldn't be me :) As for my dad hmmmmmmmmmmm well hes the same idk what to say about him. I can honestly say that without family this life is not worth anything i love my family so much i am so thankful that heavenly father gave me this wonderful family!!!