Sunday, July 26, 2009


i finally realized if u need something done just call ur mom and she will tell u what to do!!!! I have this terrible roomate names Sarah she is letting her boyfriend stay with her which for a couple of nights is ok if thats what she thinks she needs to be doing thats her business but our lease on the contract says that u can only have overnight ppl there for 10 days and he was there for more than 3 weeks so i was sooooooo stressed and i couldnt take it anymore so i told her that he needed to get out idk how many times that he needed to leave but she doesnt listen to me!!!!!!! So who just happens to show up when the a$$ is there MY MOM :) shes like asking him all these questions and he failed the test mom was going to have dad and her go over and then she was going to have the cops called so he would leaveso i told sarah that he better leave or im moving she got all like ill sue u broke the contract and i was u broke it sooooo long ago and shes like ok im out next week i told her to pay her half of the rent cuz her name is still on it and shes like then ill stay the 30 days then im gone but i dont know where ill go and i said not my problem i know it was harsh but heck i have my own ass to cover!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANKS MOM oh and now kimmy is moving in cuz i cant afford it