Friday, February 20, 2009

Mi Familia!!!

ok so my family is stinking crazy but i love them so much!!! i might not like them at times but i totally love them!!! They have been behind me 100% through everything that i have done. i have 4 brothers Jordan, Hayden, and Trevor and Jake who is in the Navy!!! i love my family so much and i hope to get a whole new family later on in life when i get married but who knows. They will have some big shoes to fill if they want to be as AWESOME as MINE now!!!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Mi MaMa!!!

MY MOM!!!!
I love my mom she is an amazing person and without her i wouldn't be here today. She never once gave up on me with all of the crap that i threw at her!!! How do you just not love my mom honestly she is crazy and fun!!! She loves life and loves her children so much that she would give her own life for one of us! My mom is so crazy she is always doing something outragous and i love that she is just like me!!! we are just alike and it's crazy!!!I can't imagine my life without my mom she has made it so that i can be who i want to be and be the person that I truly am!!! She is amazing and she has given all of her children the lives taht she wanted them to have and the ones that she wanted us to have.

Monday, February 9, 2009

CrAzY CoUsInS!!!

Ok so my cousin Kailei is my bestest cousin in the world now that we are older but when we were younger she totally was a mean kid ok maybe it was me that was the mean one but lets just say that we didn't like each other very much! But after 19 years of fighting and thinking that each other were total adn complete retards we finally started getting along and now she is my best friend!!! I love her so much!! she is a really great girl and she has the best advice in the world. While I was living my crazy life she was totally behind me and was praying for me! I am so greatful to her so this is my tribute to her!! She and i are total opposites but yet we are alike in so many ways! But she is older than me by a whole 3 MONTHS just 3 KAILEI!!! but i am more mature ha ha!!! we both love 80s music and movies and our favorite movie is Bed of Roses ha ha "Wait don't go"

funny pic of me and kailei jo