Monday, February 9, 2009

CrAzY CoUsInS!!!

Ok so my cousin Kailei is my bestest cousin in the world now that we are older but when we were younger she totally was a mean kid ok maybe it was me that was the mean one but lets just say that we didn't like each other very much! But after 19 years of fighting and thinking that each other were total adn complete retards we finally started getting along and now she is my best friend!!! I love her so much!! she is a really great girl and she has the best advice in the world. While I was living my crazy life she was totally behind me and was praying for me! I am so greatful to her so this is my tribute to her!! She and i are total opposites but yet we are alike in so many ways! But she is older than me by a whole 3 MONTHS just 3 KAILEI!!! but i am more mature ha ha!!! we both love 80s music and movies and our favorite movie is Bed of Roses ha ha "Wait don't go"

1 comment:

  1. OH MY GOODNESS!!! That is the worst picture of me EVER! hee hee. It's a good thing that I love you so much! Thank you for the sweet things you said about me. I am so glad that we are such wonderful friends now! You are the greatest cousin! I am so proud of you and all that you have done. I'm here for you always! OH... and I haven't forgot that I am supposed to be calling you... I'm just waiting till I have a bunch of time so that I can hear EVERYTHING! So hopefully tomorrow you'll be getting a call. I love you much! WAIT...don't go! ;)
