Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Ok from the day i was born i knew that my family was a little different ok a lot different!! my family is loud, funny and out of control we're lind of like a big fat greek wedding meets the parent tra. we are a very colse famil were everyone knows whats going on in everyone else's lives!! I know it sounds crazy but at times i love it but at other times i hate it!!! Our family gatherings are so much fun there is never a dull moment!!!
When my mom and all the women get together its like they can't control themselves they are laughing and yelling and cooking all this amazing food!!! Then u go into another room and here are all the men laughing and aurguing about sports, the economy,and of course the women in the family always nagging at them. My family is my life plain and simple and certain people know this better than others i would do ALMOST anything for my family even though they drive me crazy half the time!!!!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


well here's a little about me!!! OK I'm from Filer Idaho but not originally lol originally i'm from a little town called Castleford Idaho it's a little town were everyone knows everyone and they ALL know your business even if you don't want them to. Anyway i love italian food ok so i love all food really it's amazing!!!!ok i have two sets of parents unlike most ppl who just have one i have my mom and my stepdad then i have my dad and my step mom which is ok but i kinda wish that i only had my mom ya know. it has alwayz been just mom and us kids oh i have 3 real brothers who are all younger than me and then i have one older brother who is my step brother. mom alwayz took care of us even when my dad was there but now we have shane it's really hard but it's going to be ok cuz my brothers need a REAL guy role model.
i love chocolate!!!
i love dogs and cows
i hate CATS!!!! YUCK!!!
i love IDAHO
i love snow
i love my mom ha ha i really do
i love my bestfriends "Elvis Presley" and " Johnny Cash" ha ha their nicknames.
i hope to start love blogging this
i love my father in heaven because without him i wouldn't even be here anymore. i love my savior

Monday, December 29, 2008


Well here i am starting my new life and wow it's really tough but only i can get through the things that i've done only i know what truly happened those months that i was away from the people i loved. why is it that i don't like who i am? I've become a person that i hate!!! To be honest with everyone and myself i need to get things out of my system but they are hard and i find myself crying. O.K. when i was gone i was Drinking ALOT!!! I became both anorexic and Bulimic. i still suffer from bulimia  but i am hopefully getting better!!! :) u need all of the support that i can but you know how it goes i only can do it for myself!!!! I think that i can over come this but eating just makes me ill really ill!!!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

starting my blog!!!

HI i'm KINZI JO CLARK welcome to my blog!!! i just recently moved back home from living with my boyfriend who is now my exboyfriend but that is a long story!!!!! WAY LONG!!! It was one of the worst things that i could have done but i think that in a way i needed to go through it to understand the things my family mostly my amazing mom was trying to teach me. I love my family and with out there love and supposrt i wouldn't be home I would still be in a situation that was literally killing me both physically and spiritually. How do you thank people for loving you when you thought no one cared or even loved yourself? They truly are great they are!!! I LOVE THEM!!! Well i need to turn in i'll talk to all you bloggers in the morning!!!