Monday, September 12, 2011

My decision to move to Utah!!! Yep I moved!!!! And my Patriarchal Blessing

So I Kinzi Jo Clark after praying long and hard made a decision that will FOREVER change my life!!!! How did I make this grand decision well here is how it happened. we have to go back into time to see how this all happened.

Ok so now that we are in the past I will explain how I came to the decision of moving.......
I had been wondering if I needed to get my Patriarchal Blessing so i may know what i was to do with my life and i began praying to Heavenly Father for guidance and to know what I needed. Well sure enough I got my answer and it was to receive my Patriarchal Blessing. I found this quote when i was looking up things about patriarchal blessings. 

Gordon B. Hinckley's Patriarchal Blessing - The year Gordon turned eleven, he received his patriarchal blessing. Despite his health problems and small size, he was told, in part, �Thou shalt grow to the full stature of manhood and shall become a mighty and valiant leader in the midst of Israel. . . . The nations of the earth shall hear thy voice and be brought to a knowledge of the truth.� At the time, he thought that meant he would be a missionary. (Lynda Cory Robinson, Boys Who Became Prophets, [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1998], p. 90.)

"A patriarchal blessing is a revelation to the recipient, even a white line down the middle of the road, to protect, inspire, and motivate activity and righteousness. A patriarchal blessing literally contains chapters from your book of eternal possibilities. I say eternal, for just as life is eternal, so is a patriarchal blessing. What may not come to fulfillment in this life may occur in the next. We do not govern God's timetable. 'For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.' . . .

"Your patriarchal blessing is yours and yours alone. It may be brief or lengthy, simple or profound. Length and language do not a patriarchal blessing make. It is the Spirit that conveys the true meaning. Your blessing is not to be folded neatly and tucked away. It is not to be framed or published. Rather, it is to be read. It is to be loved. It is to be followed. Your patriarchal blessing will see you through the darkest night. It will guide you through life's dangers. . . . Your patriarchal blessing is to you a personal Liahona to chart your course and guide your way."
"Your Patriarchal Blessing: A Liahona of Light," Ensign, Nov. 1986, Thomas S. Mon

I recieved my Patriarchal Blessing on July 3,2011  It was amazing and i wouldnt have changed anything for the world I am so thankful that my mother was there with me  she is the most amazing woman that i know! I know that without my mom being there the day wouldn't have as much meaning to me yes it would still be special to me but it wouldn't have been one of the most amazing bonding experience of me and my mom.

So after a while my best friend Liz decided she wanted to move to Utah and it just so happened I wanted to start my life new and be able to be somewhere in this world that no one knew my life story for the first time in my life. So she had been asking well more like begging me to move with her and i  always said no and that i was supposed to stay in the GREAT STATE OF IDAHO( haha lil Saturdays Warrior humor there ) and that my family needed me here. After a while I began feeling i needed to go back to school and do those things that I had but in the back of my mind and didn't think were important to me anymore. I began praying hard and fasting and thinking and I began wanting to make this decision without the influence of Liz or my family and so i decided i wouldn't speak about it with them. Which in the long run i really wish i would have counseled with my mom and listened to her thoughts about this but I know that she is still proud of me for living my dream. So I made my decision and  here I am living in Midvale Utah with my dearest friend Elizabeth Cheney and its gonna be soooooooooooo worth it! 
I go to school at Broadview University and I start on October 3. I am majoring in Criminal Justice!!! So watch out!!! 

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