Saturday, September 17, 2011

Random Quotes I Love!

Never be afraid of who you are, because those who judge you don't matter, and those who matter don't judge!  Be true to yourself and be true to those you love!!

life is too short to worry about everything.. stop taking the people who actually care for you for granted. You're never guaranteed tomorrow.

There's a reason God gave us a backbone and not a wishbone.

The biggest chance you can take is not taking a chance at all

lots of people misunderstand the word friend its a person who actually cares about *you* not the things you got or the things you can do for them

Life is too short to allow others to control your emotions!

Even if you don't always know the reasons why life happened the way it did, doesn't mean it wont turn out way better than you ever could have dreamed.

you cant change your past but you can start here and make a new beginning

Just because we have the right to disagree with a person, does not give us the right to disrespect that person. L Morris

Sometimes people are in your past so that you will remember them when you are finally at the same crossroads in the future. Maybe you just weren't ready yet.

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